Folks, I am just a lowly
self-made writer and I have decided to give my assessment of the culture and
moral health of the USA, I’m sorry folks, but I must assign an “F”.
I must say that President Trump has been a Godsend
to help save the USA from insane extreme liberalism, but it’s too little too
late. Trump’s action is like putting a finger in a dike with a thousand leaks.
There is only one thing that can prevent the liberals and liberalism from
dooming the USA all the way back to the Stone Age. That one thing I am
referring to is: Repealing the arch-evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law,
Doing that will give the USA free market place economy back its natural
all-powerful purging power discipline, which should never have been taken away
in the first place.
However, I don’t believe it is possible for the USA to ever
get rid of the minimum wage law; which means the USA will soon be history.
hate to admit it, but I for one believe liberals and liberalism has corrupted
the USA justice department and FBI from top to top, and the insane extreme highly
partisan bias liberal news media is far too powerful and will never let accountability
take place to fully clean house.
When the super aggressive liberals and liberalism
controls the news media, the education system from kinder garden through college, and damn near everything else in
the USA, but they almost never places our beloved country above egotistical die-hard self-interest and blind bias liberal partisanship.
It’s over folks, there is no barrier left between the liberals and total USA destruction, except giving back the USA free market place economy it full societal disciplining power, which I don't believe the USA has the wisdom or the will to ever do.
It’s over folks, there is no barrier left between the liberals and total USA destruction, except giving back the USA free market place economy it full societal disciplining power, which I don't believe the USA has the wisdom or the will to ever do.
The reason I say it is over is because the USA has a welfare state breeder system that is turning out almost all liberals as our future citizens. Plus, we have a naive shallow minded extremely bias partisan all-powerful liberal news media.
And it is a news media that is making and keeping hordes of U.S. citizens dumb and ignorant by broadcasting vocal polluted culture rot, and moral decay slop 24-7 none stop to no end.
So, without an economy with full natural purging power discipline the insane extreme liberals cannot even be slowed down let alone be reined in for the sake of the country.
The USA as a nation of vast individual freedom is now like the walking dead in terms of keeping that freedom, in this writer's view.
2018, 1437 HOURS. continue to older posts 🔻And it is a news media that is making and keeping hordes of U.S. citizens dumb and ignorant by broadcasting vocal polluted culture rot, and moral decay slop 24-7 none stop to no end.
So, without an economy with full natural purging power discipline the insane extreme liberals cannot even be slowed down let alone be reined in for the sake of the country.
The USA as a nation of vast individual freedom is now like the walking dead in terms of keeping that freedom, in this writer's view.
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