IT IS SIMPLE: Just let state governments, local governments, and private enterprise set their own minimum wage laws if they so desire.
That is how we bring back societal discipline and save our great nation from this out of control run away extreme liberalism insanity. Competition itself is the strongest and fairest societal discipline known to man/woman.
Societal discipline, societal discipline, societal discipline, and even more societal discipline are what the great USA has lost.
Sure, they can talk problems to death or head off in the directions of the four winds, but the fact remains, there is no lasting enjoyment of anything under the sun without discipline playing a major role, period.
As a rule of thumb, liberals just simply don't have the self-internal discipline to handle individual freedom on a mass scale, without pushing everything to the limit and even over the edge of sanity.
A true free market place economy or an "Iron fist" must provide the necessary societal discipline (purging power) to keep liberals in touch with reality.
In fact without the existence of pain, a lot of liberals would just flat-out deny and ignore reality entirely.
Just look at the USA today, ever since the welfare state and the passing of the 1938 socialist minimum wage law liberalism has all but totally destroyed USA culture and moral values.
Same sex marriages, the morning after pill, abortions on demand galore, and damn near everything else are up side down from 60 years ago. Yet, you turn on the TV and all you hear is some extreme obsessive Salem like witch hunt insanity 24-7.
After over 200 years of the USA peacefully honoring the change of power, now the liberals have flipped that up side down, too. They just can't accept the fact that they lost fair and square.
The shallow minded insane extreme liberal news media is totally obsessed on dehumanizing a good and decent imperfect flawed human being just for defeating them.
To withstand an all out dehumanizing assault from the all-powerful USA liberal news media, and still do what is best for the long-term survival of our nation, character is not in doubt by this great writer.
Those of us with super strong survival instincts instantly recognizes all dire threats mentally, morally (spiritual), and physical.
Eliminating moral threats are what safeguard future generations, that is why those with a strong survival instinct instinctively knows that same sex marriages and abortions are a threat to human survival (except in extremely rare cases).
To err is human. We don't love someone because they are perfect; we love someone because they are human and not perfect. Whatever happened to sometimes having to give up a right for a wrong?
Why do so few take time to count their own blessings anymore. God save my beloved homeland, the only home I know, and love.
Just the existence of out of control run-away liberalism itself is
proof of weak to non-existence discipline.
Mass individual freedom can only exist under a true free market place economy, which the USA has not had since the good intention liberals enacted the 1938 socialist minimum wage law.
The grace period is now over, either the USA creates the necessary societal discipline or Mother Nature is going to impose it on us with no mercy. God help us.
Mass individual freedom can only exist under a true free market place economy, which the USA has not had since the good intention liberals enacted the 1938 socialist minimum wage law.
The grace period is now over, either the USA creates the necessary societal discipline or Mother Nature is going to impose it on us with no mercy. God help us.
Only a true
non-phony free market place economy has the societal discipline (purging power) to rein in out
of control run-away liberalism, and allow the co-existence of individual
freedom along with peace and order at the same time.
This writer believes the
liberals will get back in control of the federal government, and when they do
after now seeing the writing on the wall, they are going for all the marbles, which is total socialism
without delay and any filibuster rule be damned.
Taking away the people's guns will be first on the agenda, closely followed by muzzling free speech, and especially conservative speech.
Taking away the people's guns will be first on the agenda, closely followed by muzzling free speech, and especially conservative speech.
Plus, with the type of free press and liberal media the USA have
today, I seriously doubt the liberals gambit can be checked, when we have an extreme out of touch with reality liberal news media cheer leading squad, which will be drowning out
nearly all opposition.
I pray that I’m wrong on this, but I do believe unless
the republicans repeal the 1938 minimum wage law while they can, within 10 years
the USA may be under some form of authoritarian rule, period.
The thing about corruption is large or small it is just like misery, it loves company. And for the corrupt no one else will be trusted until they are corrupted, too.
Those with sound judgment and common sense has eyes and ears, yet they may forever remain mute like the three monkeys. But, God knows, they know in their hearts who are the real villains.
Finally, there is nothing innate about being liberal, it's just that it takes the necessary discipline to make and keep them sane and civilized.
The thing about corruption is large or small it is just like misery, it loves company. And for the corrupt no one else will be trusted until they are corrupted, too.
Those with sound judgment and common sense has eyes and ears, yet they may forever remain mute like the three monkeys. But, God knows, they know in their hearts who are the real villains.
Finally, there is nothing innate about being liberal, it's just that it takes the necessary discipline to make and keep them sane and civilized.