Ever since the 17th amendment was enacted it was only a matter of time before something like the filibuster rule would not survive but so long before biting the dust.
With the extreme liberalism insanity that now exist in the USA today I’m sure today’s liberal will never let the filibuster rule block anything they really want to do. And I agree totally with that decision.
The 17th amendment changed the U.S. senate to an upper house representing his or her states people, instead of an upper house designed by the U.S. constitution to represent each states governor and state legislature.
Enough of this U.S. senate nonsense, way back the state's governors and state legislatures ducked their duties and made their own beds. Now, why not just junk the filibuster and let fifty plus one rule the day regardless.
However, unlike the house, instead of having to wait less than two years to throw the bums out, the senate has six-year terms. Its too late now, but maybe the 17th amendment was a mistake.
Besides, in terms of the USA surviving as a free nation, we first need to get rid of the arch-evil 1938 socialist federal minimum wage law. And that alone would solve 95 percent of every ill the USA has today, including the immigration problem.
Far too many able-bodied USA citizens doesn't have a must work need to take almost any job to eat to survive like before the welfare state.
However, I believe the USA economy is going to totally collapse within five years from too much social and family provider spending.
Practically all government income originates and is taken directly or indirectly from the profits of USA private businesses or stocks, period.
FRED THE TENDER HEARTED WRITER’S LOG: 23 JUNE 2018, 2318 HOURS. continue to older posts 🔻
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