I have yet to see any individual, race, or nation blame its way to success and prosperity. It is far more important what one does for himself/herself than to keep blaming others for self-failure. Get a grip America (USA).
I see all of these phony liberals patronizing African Americans with low expectation, while they make damn sure their young study hard and get the best education possible.
Whereas, conservatives feel today every American is capable and no one should be pampered and excused.
However, I forget who said: "A sucker is born everyday". In every election we all know in advance where 90 percent plus of the African American vote is going no matter the issue.
I am so sick and tired of liberals totally ignoring self-responsibility and self-accountability, yet they clearly see racism hiding behind every tree.
They even see any effort to enforce self-responsibility and self- accountability as some one who must be a racist.
The answer to most human problems can be solved in three ways. The three ways are through love, discipline, or a balance between the two. The huge problem with the USA is a lack of societal discipline.
Once the 1938 minimum wage law was enacted it killed the natural discipline in the USA free market place national economy. That allowed the USA to become a welfare state with the government taking over to a great extent the financial head of household role.
But, unlike the original head of household provider, the government failed to instill in the very young the must proper norms and traditions that protects and safeguards every nation's culture.
So, with each generation the USA culture and moral values are deteriorating more and more toward a course of least resistance liberal mode of thinking.
Now, today in the USA we have a mass mostly liberal way of thinking news media. And they are under the false illusion that their way of thinking is reasonable and normal, when the sad truth actually is they are really shallow, naive, and with weak survival instincts.
Only real discipline, hardship, and true survival struggle can open the liberal news media's eyes. So, with half of our welfare state nation blind from liberalism thanking including nearly all of the nations news media, people wake up, we have a case of the blind leading the blind for half the nation.
Something as simple to solve as the homeless issue, yet all of these educated liberal do-gooders doesn’t have a clue on how to really get at the heart of the problem. Before 1938 the homeless was very few in number and never caused a major problem in USA cities.
Before 1938 the homeless almost always had the nuclear and extended family umbrella support to fall back on if they so desired, but that was before uncle sugar seized and replaced the traditional responsible head of household provider role for the most part, especially among the poor.
Now, for the most part liberal TV is instilling improper norms and blind traditions in our very young, its no wonder why western civilization is going to hell in a hand basket.
So, the only real solution to solve the homeless problem is to repeal the 1938 minimum wage law, which will restore our former true free market economy.
Everyone loves the boom cycle, but the bust cycle is a must to protect any nations culture and nuclear family foundation, however the wealthy and powerful thinks they can keep a phony perpetual motion economic engine running forever.
I say non-sense, impossible, because nature will not allow anything to exist without a positive versus negative cycle, because everything is potential infinite and only balance allows the universe to exist.
The bust cycle is nature's way of getting rid of waste and inefficiency to make room for new growth. Just like the life and death cycle.
Once a genuine true free market place economy kicks in that will rebuild our strong nuclear and extended family system, then each member of the strong nuclear and extended family unit will be obligated to aid another member down on his/her luck providing the homeless are willing to help themselves, too.
That is why it is a must to guard and keep a strong nuclear and extended family system. There has never been a society or civilization that existed past five or six generations without a strong nuclear and extended family system in place.
As of today the USA and Western Europe may soon regress all the way back to the Stone Age unless their federal governments get rid of all minimum wage laws, period.
As for local governments setting a minimum wage law I see no problem. I'm just serving another course of food for thought, y'all.
With a strong nuclear and extended family system any nation can survive temporary after a totally economic collapse to regroup, but with a welfare state it will be total chaos after one day. So, I beg, please repeal the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law before it is too late.
Folks, I don't know why I have been writing basically the same thing for over twenty years. Maybe I will throw in a slight twist here and there, but still the focus is basically the same.
I think it boils down to my first assault and siege on the "Insane arch-evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law"
I believe that evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law indirectly is the number one cause for the destruction of the USA nuclear and extended family system, period. Also, I believe unless this evil law is soon repealed the USA cannot be saved.
Nothing else can really stop the liberals, and especially the shallow minded all-powerful liberal news media from finishing off the destruction of a free USA, period.
Plus, we may have already passed the point of no return to save our great nation. Sure, I may stand almost alone in my raw crude way of thinking, but I truly believe I am a man on a destiny mission to help save my nation, even if I may be just a fantasizing dreamer.
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